Healthy soil (rich in minerals, arthropods, living organisms) means healthy food and healthy people.
OVERPOPULATION Nature thrives on biodiversity. The dominance of one species in an ecosystem can be a great source of imbalance. They can cause a loss of native plant species, reduce the fertility of the soil or even destroy harvest, as well as cause the removal of precious topsoil due to erosion. In cities we have the additional problem that the soil can't absorb water.
CLIMATE CHANGE Industry and Agriculture releases greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. All this as well as tillage practices, monoculture, and excessive livestock-growth alter the Earth's land cover, changing its ability to absorb or reflect heat and light, thus contributing to radiative forcing.
SOIL DEGRADATIONModern industrial agriculture/monoculture is based on cultivating a single crop every year, until the soil
becomes saline and unworkable. What’s worse is that soil degraded by such farming rapidly
releases its carbon content into the air thus contributing to global warming.
POLLUTION/ SOIL CONTAMINATION is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals, improper disposal of waste and agents of war. The most common chemicals involved are petroleum hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (such as naphthalene and benzo(a)pyrene), solvents, pesticides, lead, and other heavy metals. Fertilization and pesticide application also releases ammonia, nitrate, phosphorus reduce the soil quality.
DESERTIFICATION affects topsoil, groundwater reserves, surface runoff, human, animal and plant populations. Water scarcity in drylands limits the production of wood, crops, forage and other services that ecosystems provide to our community.
DEFORESTATION Each year, millions of acres of forest around the world are destroyed or degraded by fire. The same amount is lost to logging and agriculture combined. Subsistence farming is responsible for 48% of deforestation; commercial agriculture is responsible for 32%.
Agricultural products, such as soy and palm oil, and their rising demand has created incentives to convert forests to farmland and pasture land. Once a forest is lost to agriculture, it is usually gone forever—along with many of the plants and animals that once lived there.
Did you know?
It takes 500 years to produce just under an inch of topsoil, this is the most productive layer of soil.
It greatly reduces flood risk by storing up to 9200 tons of water per acre. In total that’s about 0.01% of the Earth’s total water.
50% is air and water, the other 50% is broken rock and decaying plants and animals.
Soil is at the bottom of the food chain, yet it is the cornerstone of life on earth.
There are more microorganisms in a handful of soil than there are people on earth.